
Course Curriculum

    1. Manifest Your Mission - Intake Form

    2. Manifest Your Mission - Personal Image Assessment

    3. Welcome to Maniftest Your Mission

    4. My Code Of Conduct

    5. Our Group Standards

    1. How Colour is Created?

    2. What Are Colour Schemes?

    3. Hue, Tint, Tone and Shade

    4. Chromatic

    5. Do You Want To Look Healthy and Powerful?

    6. Light

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Yin and Yang Energy

    3. Outer and Inner Assessments of Yin, Balanced and Yang Body Styles

    4. Clothing Style

    5. Personality Styles

    6. The Personality Style Quiz

    7. Module 2 PDF Download

    1. Introduction to Module 3

    2. Body Image

    3. Assessment System

    4. Assessment Charts - Primary

    5. What Does My Outfit Communicate About Me?

    6. Module 3 PDF Download

    1. Introduction to Module 4 - Effective Wardrobes

    2. Elements of Design - Scale

    3. Elements of Design - Dimension

    4. Elements of Design - Line

    5. Elements of Design - Shape

    6. Elements of Design - Texture

    7. Elements of Design - Pattern

    8. Elements of Design - Colour

    9. Principles of Design

    10. Module 4 PDF Download

    1. Introduction to Module 5

    2. Lifestyles

    3. Wardrobe Planning and Capsule Development

    4. Wardrobe Capsule Example

    5. Wardrobe Audit - Curating

    6. Organize The Closet

    7. Personal Shopping

    8. Wardrobe Care

    9. Packing To Travel

    10. Your Efficient Wardrobe Homework

    11. Chapter 5 PDF Download

About this course

  • $1,997.00
  • 61 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Benefits of Manifest Your Mission

The benefit of Manifest Your Mission will be a personal style and brand that is authentic, confident, inspiring, effortless, successful and appealing.

  • To save time and hassle knowing that your outfit can be put together in 2 minutes with no frustration, no confusion and no self-doubt to optimize your physical being and inspire you every day to fell wonderful when you choose what to wear.

  • Dress for your success - define what you want out of life and go for it. Get the next promotion, position or placement. Change your look, your outlook and get ready for the new adventure of growing into the greatness of you.

  • Develop your self-esteem, confidence and sense of adventure. Change can be your friend. Live a little and step it up. Feel like your best self all the time.

  • All of these items combined will Manifest Your Mission.

Bonus Materials

Videos, personalized templates and full published course manuals bring value to your journey of learning and growing into the greatness of you.

  • Course Manuals

    $500 value

    The value of complete course manuals on several subjects and additional content will increase your level of learning and benefit your overall learning experience. Having the materials to review at your convenience will continually enhance your experience.

  • Introductory Videos

    $100 value

    Introductory videos for each module will highlight what is to come and how the module will benefit you.

  • Personalized Templates

    $1,000 value

    Personalized templates showing you what to wear for your primary and secondary characteristics. You will save a fortune by buying the correct colour of clothing, style, and fit your silhouette and personality.

Pricing Options

Payment plans are available to enable you to 'Manifest Your Mission'.